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Let's have fun but keep it safe.

Protective Helmet

Some tips & ideas to help you enjoy your gloryhole adventures safely and responsibly.

Using a gloryhole for anonymous, erotic and pleasurable encounters is great fun but as with all sexual acts and casual sex encounters there are risks. Below we set out some things to think about so that you can reflect and make some decisions about how best to keep yourself and others safe while having a some amazing sexual adventures.

Front Door

Like all casual sex encounters when you choose to host and invite a sexual partner into your home for a gloryhole adventure, you are exposing yourself. Despite the anonymity of a gloryhole experience a visitor now knows your address. A stranger (assuming you have no prior physical meets) is in your home, in most cases probably alone, unless you’re playing as a hosting couple or you’ve invited a couple to visit. Literally anything could happen so it’s wise to take a few precautions. 

Where possible find casual partners on a swingers or hook up forum that allows you to see verifications or reviews from other users. Sites such as and are great examples of a site that allows you to read peoples reviews that have been left. Develop your judgement and use the information you’ve got access to. It is also worth being very clear about the setup you have and what boundaries or limits that you’ll set around your play. These should be clearly understood by all parties.  

We would also always recommend that you take these steps too for further protection and peace of mind.

  1. Develop a relationship with a trusted friend who you can share the details of your gloryhole adventures with and importantly let them know when you’re panning to meet someone so you can check in before and after. We really hope as more people join, these trusted connections can be found through our community pages.  

  2. Understand how to contact the emergency services quickly in your area and check out if your phone has an emergency SOS feature should you need to discreetly call for help in an emergency. 

Nothing will replace good judgement

Image by Reproductive Health Supplies Co

Sexual health is something we all need to take seriously.  Hosting fun at a gloryhole involves at least two people. You can’t be responsible for another person's sexual health but if you’re hosting and are very active with your gloryhole and enjoy multiple partners, you could inadvertently pick something up and pass it on to multiple partners. Some gloryhole adventurers might service as many as five to ten people in one session. Others may only indulge in a single encounter every few months along with their partner (playing with a gloryhole as a couple is fun!). 

Many people who visit gloryholes are doing so under the radar of an existing relationship and are looking for a thrilling sexual encounter to further enhance their sex life. Such visitors are responsible themselves should they take something unwanted back into their committed relationships which causes them problems.  Their choice to come and use a glory hole, and the boundaries they set around the play are their choices made in agreement with you. Despite this common sense understanding, some people, if rumbled, might choose to hassle you and blame you, giving you unwanted grief.  

With this in mind here are some steps that you can take to reduce your exposure to sexually transmitted infections. More information and links to some great articles can be found here. I would also recommend you connect with the your areas advice and services that support sexual health education, preventative support and treatment. 

Think about how much you’re planning to indulge yourself in your glory hole adventures and what level of exposure to infection you have. 5 sessions a day for 20 days of a month is a 100 possible transmission points.  Let’s call this High Exposure. Compare this to 1 session a month. The risk of infection is obviously very different. Let’s call this Low exposure. Think about the volume of your sexual encounters. More volume generally means greater risk. If you have 20 glory hole sessions in a month but 10 of these are with the same person, this is likely to be less exposing than if you meet 20 individuals. There is a big caveat here, it assumes your regular visitor isn’t also visiting lots of other people in the month too. 

If your risk to exposure is high then there are 3 main options to manage the risk effectively (recognising you’re never going to eliminate it). 

Firstly and most simply, you can reduced the amount of play you have at your gloryhole.  More play = more risk.  

Secondly consider what sexual health preventative options you might consider.  

Using condoms for oral and/or penetrative sex (not everyone’s cup of tea), will significantly reduce risk.

Preventative drug testaments such as PreP to limit infection of HIV even if exposed. 

Thirdly you can get tested frequently and swift treatment should you find you have picked something up. 

Check out our resources page for some freely available links to information that will help you stay clued up and informed

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